Campaign to Break The Stigma Of Mental Ill Health

 breaking the stigma campaign

Join our OPENING Minds To STAND UP for Mental Health campaign  and eliminate the stigma of mental illness in Kenya.  Live your life with an open mind and expect respect and acceptance from your fellow citizens.  

OPEN Minds Kenya, is dedicating the rest of the month of May to breaking the stigma of Mental Ill Health, in preparation for World Mental Health Day, which takes place on 10 October 2015 of which the theme is “Dignity in Mental Health” .

 Why Campaign

Already there are too many Kenyans suffering from mental ill health, especially depression, those suffering are not just those you  see on the streets of Nairobi, and upcountry. There are many people like You and I, hiding away, because of shame in admitting we need help, because of the stigma. Until one day we reach a point of no return.  Let us speak up ourselves and the many helpless, powerless, oppressed sufferers who cannot speak for themselves.  Take the pledge and support Kenyan citizens.

 I am aware that many people feel that nothing will ever be improved with just one small voice speaking out. Yet without that first voice, nothing will ever change. We also ask  the media, especially television and radio, to support this drive, by portraying the right and fair messages on mental health.




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